The Sex, Porn & Love Addiction Podcast

Many women (worldwide) became addicted to Sex & Porn during covid-19 lock down

Gary McFarlane Episode 81

(Snippets from an Interview by Caroline Brown of "This Crazy over 40's Life Podcast") - Part 4

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Something shifted during Covid-19 lockdown. Many women enticed to use phones, computers and tablets during lockdown, crossed their own "values" boundaries, as it seemed reasonable to do so (in the unusual circumstances of lockdown). The problem: Once crossed and their brain experienced the novelty, naughtiness, daringness and thrill of seeing a partner on the other side of the screen - went back for repeat. With repeat, came "normalising". With normalising, came further encroachment.

Many women have become addicted to sex and/or porn, but either do not know it, accept it, in denial, reject the notion or head buried - you choose which one! Oh no - don't be angry and upset with me. This might be the start of you reclaiming your life.

Shall I push on, undaunted? "In for a penny, in for a pound, hey".

For others, romantic novels (Fifty Shades of Grey is now somewhat tame) - they have gravitated to "Romance": as the safe search word on Netflix, Apple TV and Amazon Prime. Those movie viewings (with a bit (no - a lot) of spice) is now normalised night cap viewing with a cup of.... before bed. "Just my way of chilling and winding down. "I deserve"; "no harm done". (Oh - by the way - that sounds like the men's (similar) journey into porn!

After all - "I'm not doing anything different to what lots of others watch and are doing"; "this is mainstream TV viewing, not a porn site"; "just a tonic before bed".

Very British. At least it isn't sex before breakfast - which is not very British!!

Which quote do you use - to justify?

(Oh dear. Expect a lot of flack and adverse, annoyed feedback for this episode Gary - "Brace, Brace, Brace". Send them here folks: Oh dear!

Want to know more? Click the link and come get me.

Get the help you need:
The Kairos Centre created one of the world's first comprehensive Online Webinar Sex, Porn, Love Addiction video-on-demand Recovery Programme; discover the real, authentic you. or email

Now launched: A Video-on-Demand Online Course (for Singles, Couples/Marrieds/Partners) Access here -

Gary McFarlane (BA, LLM, Dip, Certs), Accredited EMDR Practitioner.

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Episode Keywords: Sex Addiction | Porn Addiction | Love Addiction | Root Causes | Brain Impact | Self-Soothing Behaviors | Family Conflict | Emotional Neglect | Peer Pressure | Performance Pressure | Separation | Divorce | Fear | Anxiety | Stress | Pain | Dissociation| Recovery Program | EMDR Therapy | Emotional Event | Trauma Healing | Neuroplasticity | Online Therapy | Sex Addiction Recovery Program | Compulsive Behaviors | Intimacy Issues | Sexual Dysfunction | Obsessive Thoughts | Guilt | Infidelity | Traumatic Bonding | Objectification | Hypersexualization | Pornography Industry | Love Addiction Patterns | Attachment Styles | Sexual Compulsivity | Behavioral Therapy | Relapse Prevention | Emotional Regulation | Healing Journeys | Intimacy Building |